Sunday, September 18, 2011

Images Developed and Scanned

I am very excited to let you all know that the photographs have all been processed and developed! I have all of the images in my possession and have had the luxury of looking through all two thousand repeatedly over the last few days.

With film photography comes the marriage of excitement and anxiety not knowing how the images will turn out. The fear of light leaks, dust and dirt scratches is almost unbearable. Having had time to thoroughly look through them I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that my work was not immune to these glitches. The good news is that casualties are far and few between, and successful shots are aplenty!

I am looking forward to the editing process and have some promising leads to create a gallery exhibit here in New York City very soon. I am on the hunt for a web designer to help me setup a web space in order to showcase the images and promote the project. This will give people the opportunity to eventually select the image(s) they prefer and we can begin the process of sending them out. Closer to the date I will begin requesting contact information for mailing purposes etc.

I have selected  a few black and white images as a sneak preview that are some of my favorite (unedited) shots so far. Depending, slight changes to some of these might occur during the editing process but unedited versions will also be made available. Predominantly, the focus of the images which you have seen and are seeing are portraits, though you can rest assured I have some landscape and action shots on they way to you shortly.

Please note all photographs are subject to Copywrite and I would appreciate your discretion in regards to circulating them for the time being. I want to keep things pretty much under wraps until the website, gallery exhibit and prints are made available. 

I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! Cheers!

Amahuaca girl sits in her house in Maldonadillo

    Henrique, an elder in the community, watches over the smoking 'Kawara' fish in preperation for their annual community festival 'Dia de San Juan'
    Juan Pablo poses in the midst of a water volleyball match in the river. Children will often cool themselves off during the scorching hot summer days by spending hours playing in the river
Hanka poses for me while Chris is engaged in an interview with his Grandmother Margherita who is the eldest of the community

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