Saludos Amigos!
Well this is turning out to be quite a week. I moved into my humble apartment in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I have a mattress and four walls, two of which have doors on them so you figure it out?? I think they call it a railroad, where my room sits between the kitchen and the other two rooms in the house. Little way of privacy but its a lovely open space and my roomies are very respectful. Luckily our schedules are usually opposed meaning I get a good amount of time to myself. I need to get some shelving so I can stop living out of my backpack though this phase in New York is only temporary until I am repacking for my next journey in December. That's right! I am heading back to South America. I will be in Argentina for Christmas, my sister's wedding and New Years from mid December to the
beginning of January. It is unclear as to my exact itinerary after January but I do plan to head back to Peru and see what work can be done to help the Amahuaca against the threat of oil extraction on their territory.
Currently, I am on the look out for work here in the city while I develop this project. I am mostly excited to let you know that test rolls have gone in for processing. I am on my way to see them right now! Stomach is churning and bubbling with nerves. I decided to go with a professional lab in the city recommended by many established photographers in the city. Though they mostly do commercial and fashion photography they also work with those looking to exhibit their prints in galleries etc. I only requested that a couple of rolls be processed for now. The reason being I wanted to be sure the whole bunch of them are not damaged from the ware and tear of climate and altitude changes during my travels across the Andes.
Once I give Bernard, the very sweet lab manager, the 'A-OK', he is going to send them all for processing and scanning leading me into phase 2. Editing! For now, lets just stay calm and wait to see the results from the test rolls.
Until later wonderful people! I bid you all a wonderful Thursday. Things are looking up as I prepare to 'walk the line' all the way to the lab. Judgement day! The rain subsides making room for the glorious sun to peak through the cumulus nimbus. Staying positive and hoping for the best.
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