Monday, November 28, 2011

AMAZON WATCH » Brazilian Construction Company Cancels Plans for Mega-Dam in Peru

This article tells us the success story of how neighboring Ashaninka communities of the Amahuaca have pushed out Odebrecht, a Brazilian energy company, looking to build a dam on the Tambo river not far from the Inuya where the Amahuaca live.

However the onslaught of development and the push for dams in the region is still fierce. The communities of the Tambo river now face another battle. As the article states here - 'The Ashaninka will now turn their attention to convincing Brazilian company Electrobrás, interested in building another dam on the Tambo River – the Tambo-60 – to withdraw.'

Read on by clicking the link below:
AMAZON WATCH » Brazilian Construction Company Cancels Plans for Mega-Dam in Peru
It is my hope that the energy companies intending to develop oil projects on Amahuaca territory will be met with the same opposition.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NEWS FROM THE CONCRETE JUNGLE (including the launch of my website!)

So some of you are probably wondering where in the world has Miss Needles been the past month? We haven't heard a peep from her with regards to the Amahuaca project! And rightly so. So I will begin with a heartfelt apology for having seemingly gone MIA.

I assure you I am taking this project very seriously, having uprooted myself from San Francisco and moved to NYC on a more permanent basis to work closely with the ICP and get the project off the ground. I am adjusting to this new face-paced and expensive city, working three service industry jobs to stay afloat in the Big Apple. In order to develop the Amahuaca project, witnessing it expand and evolve both in scale and scope, I hope these factors are testament my deepest commitment and investment in this project. Naturally,  they serve both and catalysts and hurdles for moving the project forward whilst I am very busy trying to find a balance between work Oh boy!

I am sorry that, like with most projects of this nature, it all seems to be taking longer than one would have originally expected. I believe that despite delays, ultimately what lies in store is in fact much bigger than what we had initially anticipated. All in all, it is very exciting!

The following account of what has been in the works over the last month will hopefully get you all as excited as I am about what is in store for the future.

First, I have purchased a website domain and begun to upload my selected images onto my photography website! Click on the link below and enjoy scrolling through some of the images I have recently put up.

I assure you the site is a work in progress. The presentation is continually changing as I fine tune the site and the images.

A more complete context for each image including descriptions and overall album summaries to follow. For now, there is a general summary 'about this site' which describes the overall intention of the project and the use of the images for a future campaign. I hope you enjoy what you see and please feel free to send me as little or as much feedback as you would like. I will take the good with the bad, and hope it can all contribute to improving the direction of the project.

Second, those of you who have rights to an image or more should all begin to consider which images you are interested in so I can begin to put a list together of which ones I need to print and send out to you. (It is important to note a couple of black lines across some of the black and white images. These were a scanning issue so with original prints and improved HD image uploads they will not appear.)

Third, last week I had a very productive meeting with a curator at the ICP (International Center for Photography) who was excited about the project and has agreed to help us in terms of providing the original prints that were taken by Cornell Capa fifty years ago for our exhibition. This is a massive step in the right direction as it solidifies the prospect of showing Capa's prints with my own in the same gallery space. At this point it is not likely they will be exhibited at the ICP but she did mention that there is potential for it in the future (which is majorly exciting!!)

And so to ensure a successful exhibit at a scale that can really make a difference in raising the kind of awareness needed to support the Amahuaca people and protect their future, there is a clear need to create a book to compliment the showcasing of the images. This will be something concrete people can walk away with from the exhibit. At the moment we envision this composed by Chris Hewlett's writing and my images (a modern version of Huxely and Capa's 'Farewell to Eden' from 1961 as it were) which not only details the nature of Amahuaca culture, but also will given an account of the current situation these people are faced with given the force of the oil industry in the region. The combination of an exhibit, a book and the marketing that is involved in putting these all together is going to require more time and seeking out new ways to fund the project. At moments we are looking into grant options an the like.

Fourth, I want to confirm that the evolution of the project will not affect each of your rewards which you will receive in due time, once selections have been made and I have received your mailing information as well. Those of you who are granted exhibition invitations will simply be waiting a little bit longer for the exhibit to happen. But at least when it does, it will be that much more successful! 

Fifth and Finally, Last and NEVER Least!  I have to take this opportunity to thank you all again so much for your unending support and patience as I follow through to complete what is the most exciting endeavor and challenge I have ever put myself up against. The overwhelming support from friends, family and followers of this project has been so moving for me and I cannot be grateful enough. I forever want to make you proud.

Sending you all my warmest regards, best wishes and Happy Holidays (for those celebrating Thanksgiving this week!)

Thursday, October 20, 2011 update on my progress!

Hi Friendly Followers and Following Friends,

I realize I have been rubbish at keeping you in the loop with what has happened over the past few weeks. The honest truth is that I have been so busy trying to survive in this new jungle of NYC that I barely had a chance to really collect my thoughts! For the past three weeks I have been juggling three new jobs that have all come at the same time. I am now living in Greenpoint, Brookyln and working in three different restaurant establishments. I have done a little freelance photography assisting here and there which has been a great experience too. The hope is that I can start moving into the photography industry and out of the service industry with each new opportunity to assist on photo shoots etc. Fingers crossed. Needless to say that with this schedule, I have been very busy trying support myself for the duration of my time in the big apple.

So what progress has been made with the photos you might ask!? Well, I am currently sifting through all 2000+ of them and selecting the ones that I can put up on my website. That's right, I am building my own site! For a tech-tard such as myself, its quite an exciting to be constructing my very own page. It is still in the works but I aim to have all the photos up by end of the month!! Once they are all up I will send you the link and you can look through them at your hearts content.

I have decided that the easiest and best way Kickstarter pledgers can select the photo(s) they want is if I upload them onto my site with each image having its name/number below so you can view them all and then email me back ( with your selection. I will then print and send them to you. Please be sure to send me your mailing address along with your selection.

For those who are entitled to more than just an image (i.e. a piece of jewelery, booklet and/or gallery exhibit invite) please stay tuned and expect a separate personal email with regards to your rewards that will involve further correspondence.

Again I have to thank you so much for your support and am so thankful to you. You have all been part of making my dream come true. This project has been opening up some incredible doors for me. More on the future of a gallery exhibit and so on in the next post.

Much love and light to you all.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Click here: US Court Rules Against Chevron in Ecuador Oil Case

Read about our brothers and sisters in the Ecuadorian Amazon who are already deep in the battle against oil and their victory today!

For more information on the case of the Achuar versus Chevron visit Chevron Toxico

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Images Developed and Scanned

I am very excited to let you all know that the photographs have all been processed and developed! I have all of the images in my possession and have had the luxury of looking through all two thousand repeatedly over the last few days.

With film photography comes the marriage of excitement and anxiety not knowing how the images will turn out. The fear of light leaks, dust and dirt scratches is almost unbearable. Having had time to thoroughly look through them I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that my work was not immune to these glitches. The good news is that casualties are far and few between, and successful shots are aplenty!

I am looking forward to the editing process and have some promising leads to create a gallery exhibit here in New York City very soon. I am on the hunt for a web designer to help me setup a web space in order to showcase the images and promote the project. This will give people the opportunity to eventually select the image(s) they prefer and we can begin the process of sending them out. Closer to the date I will begin requesting contact information for mailing purposes etc.

I have selected  a few black and white images as a sneak preview that are some of my favorite (unedited) shots so far. Depending, slight changes to some of these might occur during the editing process but unedited versions will also be made available. Predominantly, the focus of the images which you have seen and are seeing are portraits, though you can rest assured I have some landscape and action shots on they way to you shortly.

Please note all photographs are subject to Copywrite and I would appreciate your discretion in regards to circulating them for the time being. I want to keep things pretty much under wraps until the website, gallery exhibit and prints are made available. 

I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! Cheers!

Amahuaca girl sits in her house in Maldonadillo

    Henrique, an elder in the community, watches over the smoking 'Kawara' fish in preperation for their annual community festival 'Dia de San Juan'
    Juan Pablo poses in the midst of a water volleyball match in the river. Children will often cool themselves off during the scorching hot summer days by spending hours playing in the river
Hanka poses for me while Chris is engaged in an interview with his Grandmother Margherita who is the eldest of the community

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

REDD Alert: Lessons from Peru’s Camisea Pipeline Project | World Resources Institute

Another interesting article for those interested in REDD projects and the way they influence the indigenous people using a case study from the Peruvian Amazon.

REDD Alert: Lessons from Peru’s Camisea Pipeline Project | World Resources Institute
Here is the link to an interesting article written up in The Guardian that discusses Peru's progress in supporting the indigenous population in its country. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Good News!

Good News! 

The test rolls came out great. Luckily it looks as though the film wasn't damaged by any climate ware and tear after all! I am thrilled to say the very least. What a relief. The only thing now is to keep our fingers crossed that I can do you all proud and have some images worth exhibiting. The rest of the negatives as well as the digitized scans will be ready on Tuesday. Then I go into editing mode. Once I have them all sorted out and ready to be shown, they will go up on a website for you all to view. 

Here is another image I took with my digital camera. This old lady lives in San Martin and is the mother of the professor of the village. She and her son hosted Chris over the course of three days cooking for us and welcoming us to their community as we came down river from San Juan. San Martin is another Amahuaca village sitting on the Inuya river closer to the city of Atalaya. 

This shot was taken while a group of the Amahuaca were looking over a copy of A Farewell to Eden, the book published fifty years ago by Huxley and Capa. They recounted stories of those they recognized in the images layered between the text. There is a sense of warm nostalgia that emanates from her smile as she seems to recount times passed. I miss her and the subtlety of her kind and humble demeanor. I miss the jungle...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Judgement Day! Test rolls ready to be looked at.

Saludos Amigos!

Well this is turning out to be quite a week. I moved into my humble apartment in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I have a mattress and four walls, two of which have doors on them so you figure it out?? I think they call it a railroad, where my room sits between the kitchen and the other two rooms in the house. Little way of privacy but its a lovely open space and my roomies are very respectful. Luckily our schedules are usually opposed meaning I get a good amount of time to myself.  I need to get some shelving so I can stop living out of my backpack though this phase in New York is only temporary until I am repacking for my next journey in December. That's right! I am heading back to South America. I will be in Argentina for Christmas, my sister's wedding and New Years from mid December to the beginning of January. It is unclear as to my exact itinerary after January but I do plan to head back to Peru and see what work can be done to help the Amahuaca against the threat of oil extraction on their territory.

Currently, I am on the look out for work here in the city while I develop this project. I am mostly excited to let you know that test rolls have gone in for processing. I am on my way to see them right now! Stomach is churning and bubbling with nerves. I decided to go with a professional lab in the city recommended by many established photographers in the city. Though they mostly do commercial and fashion photography they also work with those looking to exhibit their prints in galleries etc. I only requested that a couple of rolls be processed for now. The reason being I wanted to be sure the whole bunch of them are not damaged from the ware and tear of climate and altitude changes during my travels across the Andes.

Once I give Bernard, the very sweet lab manager, the 'A-OK', he is going to send them all for processing and scanning leading me into phase 2. Editing! For now, lets just stay calm and wait to see the results from the test rolls.

Until later wonderful people! I bid you all a wonderful Thursday. Things are looking up as I prepare to 'walk the line' all the way to the lab. Judgement day! The rain subsides making room for the glorious sun to peak through the cumulus nimbus. Staying positive and hoping for the best.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

From Kickstarter to Blogspot

Whooooopyyyyy! Hi Y'all! (Sorry, not quite sure why all the excitement...maybe its because I finally have electricity again after Irene blew over us and as a result blew out our power for 5 days!!)

This is an old (ancient) blogspot I am going to be revamping to start updating you on the progress of my Kickstarter photo project - 'The Amahuaca of the Amazon; A Re-Photography Project'. So FOLLOW ME!...Thanks

Now that I am somewhat more settled and at the edge of launching into phase one of post-travel production, I am hoping keep a more steady handle on all this updating. My biggest hope is that this is all just a prelude to the development of my very own photography website where I will be specifically showcasing my images from the Amazon. Of course it will be way more fancy, swanky and professional and then I can be done with all these blogging shenanigans (no offense to bloggers...this comment is mostly out of ignorance than anything else!) So stay tuned for all the updatin'.

More recently, in case anyone is wondering, I have done it! I have gone ahead and betrayed my Bay Area roots and relocated to Brooklyn, NY. The big BUT is that it is only until mid-December which is when I make my way back to Peru and Argentina! More detail on the next South America adventure coming soon. So if any of you are in the NYC area please let me know and I would love to connect.

***Note to readers about this blogspot: please don't bother reading most of the previous posts as they are outdated and mostly irrelevant. Cheers!

Thursday, April 21, 2011